As an operating Inland Port, Manawatu Inland Port takes pride in its commitment to actively caring for the environment and managing environmental matters as an integral part of our business.  It is our policy to assure the environmental integrity of our activities, processes and facilities at all times.

We will do so by adhering to the following principles:


  • We will comply with applicable laws, regulations and voluntary requirements to which Manawatu Inland Port subscribes. If we do not comply for any reason, we will take steps to rectify that non-compliance.
  • We will implement and maintain programs and procedures to assure legal compliance as a minimum.

Risk Reduction, Prevention, Resource Management

  • We will seek opportunities for reducing risk to the environment.
  • We will employ management systems and procedures specifically designed to prevent/manage conditions that pose a threat to the environment. We will look for ways to minimise risk and protect the environment.
  • We will promote the continued development of best practices and expertise in environmental disciplines to provide knowledge related to environmental sustainability.
  • We will look for continual opportunities to advance energy and water conservation, reduce waste, and engage in a constant effort to reduce our impact on the environment.


  • We will communicate our commitment for the environment to our ‘sphere of influence’ (employees, contractors, suppliers, vendors, and customers).

Continuous Improvement

  • The environmental programme will be regularly measured and monitored for opportunities for improvement.
  • We are committed to embracing new developments for our business processes that encompass environmentally better practice.

This policy is a primary objective of the management team, and the responsibility of all. It is the responsibility of each manager and supervisor to ensure all employees and contractors are trained and motivated to carry out their required tasks competently in an environmentally responsible manner and adhere to Manawatu Inland Port expected environmental standards and objectives.


As a Inland Port we can all help manage this policy by performing the following:

  • Minimise waste, reduce water use and energy use by evaluating activities and ensuring they are as efficient as possible to lift overall environmental performance.
  • Actively promote environmental sustainability activities and improvements.
  • Promote sustainable environmental management of our natural resources in our partnerships with suppliers, customers, and stakeholders as well as our peers.
  • Take personal responsibility for own actions to carry out tasks in an environmentally responsible manner



  • Open Monday - Friday
  • 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • Closed Saturday - Sunday